Impostor Syndrome – 7 Tips for Overcoming This Destructive Feeling

Impostor Syndrome – 7 Tips for Overcoming This Destructive Feeling

Impostor syndrome strikes everyone from time to time. Here are 7 tips to help you take back control and regain confidence in yourself. “I’m Not Good Enough:” Overcoming Negative Self Talk A few weeks ago, I completed my first big watercolor painting in years. I felt proud of myself when I completed the painting and…

5 Easy Ways to Track Your Personal Growth
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5 Easy Ways to Track Your Personal Growth

Personal growth usually consists of small steps that go unnoticed. Keeping a tracker allows you to easily see the ways you’ve grown. You May Also Like: 5 ESSENTIAL BULLET JOURNALING PAGES You need to track your personal growth We grow every week, but our personal growth usually consists of small, incremental steps that go unnoticed….

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