Dash of color daily bullet journal

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  1. Kathy Navarro-Sochel says:

    I have question for you, Shelby.

    Which watercolor journal did you purchase when you switched to watercolor for your planner? Can you recommend one is both a watercolor journal and bullet journal? I have seen some on Amazon but they do not have “dots” plus they only have like 20 pages in one journal. Anyway, any recommendations as to how to get one with lots more pages, with dots and comes in watercolor paper?

    1. Hey Kathy! I originally used a Moleskine Watercolor Album, which was a landscape-oriented watercolor sketchbook. It didn’t have dots, which was less than ideal, but the paper was stellar. However, I have been using an actual watercolor dot grid journal from Archer & Olive this past year and I love it! I’d definitely recommend checking that brand out. The journal is a bit more pricy, but it’s the only one I’ve found that has all the benefits of a journal PLUS all the benefits of watercolor paper. Plus you’d get to support a small business that puts a lot of time and care into their products.

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