Show Off Your Stationery Spirit with a DIY Journal Necklace
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The Most Adorable Journal Necklace Accessory
Lockets are a sweet way to hold something special near and dear to your heart. But you know what’s even better than a locket? A little DIY journal necklace, that’s what! You can write all kinds of special things on the pages of this real functional journal, and it will look awesome at the same time. Using recycled leather to make these journals adds versatility and eco-friendliness to your creation. This necklace lets others know that you’re a bookish nerd who is style savvy. You’ll get compliments at how cute it is and then you’ll get to impress your friends by saying you made it yourself. Plus, you can make this as long or short as you want to accommodate your taste. So how is it done? Why, it’s really quite simple! All you need are a few craft supplies and a willingness to work small, and you can whip up one of these babies in an hour or two. So let’s jump in!
What You’ll Need:
- Two pieces of different colored sponge paper
- Awl
- White computer paper
- Crochet thread
- Needle
- X-acto knife
- Ruler
- Cutting mat
- Scissors
- Waxed thread
Let’s Begin!
Step 1: Cut several strips of white paper that are at least 2.5-cm wide. The number of paper strips will depend on how many pages you want your DIY journal necklace to have. This journal has 48 pages.
Step 2: Cut the strips down into 4 cm long rectangles. You should have 24 pieces of the small rectangle paper measuring 4-cm long and 2.5-cm wide.
Step 3: Divide the 24 pieces into three stacks, meaning 8 rectangles per stack. Then fold those stacks right in the middle. Now you have three mini signatures. Aren’t they cute?
Step 4: Punch a two holes in the crease of each filler sheet using an awl. Make sure the holes line up on each sheet! (If you don’t have an awl, you can use a heavy duty needle and it will get the job done – albeit with a little more effort)
Step 5: Cut a strip of blue sponge paper that is at least 3-cm in width. This will be cover of your DIY journal necklace.
Step 6: Fold the blue sponge cover in the middle.
Step 7: Unfold the sponge cover and scratch a guideline down the center using the awl and a ruler. Create additional guidelines on both sides of the middle guideline, both at an equal distance. When you’re done, you should have three lines down the middle of the paper.
Step 8: Use one of your pre-punched pieces of paper as a guide to punch holes in the sponge paper right along the center guideline.
Step 9: Punch holes on the sides of the center line’s holes.
Step 10: Load up your needle with the crochet thread, using only one long continuous thread. Knot the end.
Step 11: Insert the needle into one signature from the inside of the fold. Align the signature with one of the outside set of holes in the sponge paper and push the needle through.
Step 12: Insert the needle from the outside of the sponge paper cover through the top hole, pushing it through the signature’s aligned hole.
Step 13: Insert the needle again in the first hole, pushing through to the outside of the sponge paper.
Step 14: Insert the needle into the next hole over from the first one. Then push it through into the next signature.
Step 15: Repeat steps 11-14 until you bind the three filler sheets to the inside of the sponge cover. The bound part of the miniature journal should look like this when properly done, and your thread should finish on the inside of the journal.
Step 16: Knot off the remaining thread by weaving the needle through the stitches and creating a loop. Tighten the loop as much as you can and cut the thread.
Step 17: Cut one side of the sponge paper at least 1/2 centimeter away from the side of the filler sheet. This will be the front cover of your DIY journal necklace.
Step 18: Cut the other side of the cover at least 2.5 to 3.5-centimeter from the edge of the paper. This will be the back cover and will wrap around to close the journal.
Step 19: Cut a thin strip of the other color of sponge paper. This will be used to secure your DIY journal necklace and tie it closed.
Step 20: Round the corners of the with scissors. Be careful and go slowly! You can always trim away more if you want.
Step 21: Sew the orange strip right in the middle of the long side of the cover.
Step 22: Wrap the orange strip around the journal and tuck in the loose end snugly. Cut the excess from the strip diagonally.
Step 23: Create a hole in the middle of the top end of the spine.
Step 24: Measure and cut 40 inches of wax thread. This will be the necklace cord.
Step 25: Thread the wax cord through the hole in the journal’s spine and pull it to the center of the cord. Tie a knot to secure the DIY journal necklace.
Step 26: Lay the left end of the cord about 4 inches up the length of the right cord. Then wrap the left end tightly around the right cord and tuck the loose end through the coils. Pull it tightly to make sure it is secure. This type of knot is great for flexibility since it allows the wearer of the DIY journal necklace to adjust the length of the cord.
Step 27: Do the same process with the other loose thread end. **It occurred to me after I shot the photos that it’s hard to see exactly how to do this knot with images alone. If you want to see a video demonstrating this technique, this video by Wubbers Tutorials does a great job!**
Step 28: Your DIY journal necklace is finally done and ready to use!
You can get wildly creative using all kinds of different colors, materials, and patterns. If you wanted, you could even use thin suede for a gorgeous mini leather journal. And once you got the hang of the process, you can easily churn out lots of these little DIY journal necklaces to give out to friends and fellow notebook addicts. They make cute and unique Christmas or birthday presents. After all, who doesn’t love something handmade? So try your hand at this adorable little necklace and tell me what you think! I can’t wait to see what you create.
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