Beautiful Bullet Journals

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  1. Hoshi Star says:

    Ah yeah I forgot you can make washi tape stickers. I think I saw actual stickers in washi tape form at my favourite shop, kenji. They were Japanese elements.

  2. I also use silicon stamps with different color ink-pads. There are so many kinds! With flowers, background textures, lines and boxes for trackers, calenders, even beautiful lettering by Kelly Creates

  3. It’s so easy to self-deprecate (I’m such a terrible drawer or my spreads always look terrible) and compare our spreads to others. It really is. These are great ways to help get out of that mind set!!

  4. Jennifer S says:

    Good idea on cutting out the shapes on washi like you showed, it’s making WASHI STICKERS!
    Sticker books are good for habit tracker use, too. I get the fitness ones for the water and weight stickers.
    Would love a stamp for water and other trackings.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      Yes! Stickers are always a fun option Jennifer 🙂

  5. BrendaLea Abbott says:

    You are so right! You don’t need to be an artist to make a pretty journal. I like stencils, well i like them all, but stencils are so versitile.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      Stickers are always a great way to decorate your journal Beth Anne!

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