Overhead view of the messy open palette containing all the tubes of paint.

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  1. I love sennelier watercolors, use them a lot. A while back though the prices jumped and I tried Jackson’s brand watercolors(also made with honey) and they’re comparable. Can’t go wrong with either.

  2. i am interested in the properties of the phlalo colors. are they staining colors and do they lift . i want to paint nighttime scenes but want to be able to lift the colors back to the white of the paper.

    1. I haven’t tried lifting the colors, it’s not really a part of my painting style. If I want to put white on top of a darker color, I’ll either use Dr. Ph. Martin’s Bleedproof White or white gouache. I’ve managed to lift some colors when I’ve made mistakes, but I can’t say for certain whether they were phthalos, and I definitely didn’t bring it back to white when I did it. I’m afraid that’s one you might need to test for yourself to see with a single tube to see if it meets your needs. Sorry I can’t be of more help!

  3. Is it just a matter of preference between tube and pan or would there be a benefit i.e. such as hydration that would make a difference? Also, how long can the paint be left before it can no longer be hydrated anymore? I can’t tell you Shelby, how much I thoroughly enjoyed this article, it was very informative. Next time you need to include some samples of your work. I’m sure it would be wonderful. My Best…..

    1. Those are good questions, Kathie! I believe with a tube set, you get more bang for your buck because there tends to be more paint in a set. However, pans are easier to deal with because they are ready to be used ASAP. Otherwise, I don’t believe there is any difference in hydration.

      I’ve had this set of paints for a few years now, and I have never had an issue where it didn’t rehydrate for any reason. So I’m afraid I don’t know. Perhaps a few years? Even then, it may rehydrate! I’m just not sure. Anyway, I’m glad you enjoyed the article and I hope this helps clear a few things up!

  4. Really nice review, Shelby. I’ve only recently started using watercolors (after an aborted try in the late 70s; long time ago ?), and I’m slowly going through several brands to test them out. Had heard good things ‘bout Sennelier but as you mention, not easy to find (if at all) on a shelf! I have one Turner tube I’ve tried and really like it – have you done a review of theirs? Or Sennelier’s done it pretty well for you? Either way, all the best, thanks again! – Adan

    ps – love the paint images!

    1. Thank you so much, Felipe!

      I have never used Turner paints before, so I’m afraid I can’t say one way or the other. I have, however, tried Dr. Ph. Martin’s Liquid Hydrus watercolors (which I love their bold colors, but they lack transportability and some colors struggle to rehydrate) and a Windsor & Newton travel palette (which has lovely colors and great usability). I’ve also had the pleasure of sampling some Daniel Smith watercolors, and they are divine — but pricy. So far, for what I’ve tried, Sennelier is my go-to paint brand because I love the rich colors, the texture of the pigments on the page, the rehydration abilities (thanks to the honey additive), and their longevity. I bought them some time ago and use them regularly, and they are still going strong.

      I hope this helps as you continue to try out new paints!

  5. I have used these paints (both tube and pan) for several
    Years and have enjoyed thrm throughly.
    The richness of color combined with their great blending
    Makes them a go to paint. They have honey in them which
    Makes them smooth and rich.
    I remember my first set several years ago…expensive.
    I now purchase my paints from Jerrys Artarama.com
    Prices are good and they stand behind their products.
    Yes, they carry Sennelier products.
    I also use M Graham. Great paints but no discounts.


  6. Seriously love Sennelier watercolors! Have ordered through Dick Blick supply, good availability, prices and delivered promptly. Have ordered through Amazon fulfilled by Jacksons in London, takes a bit longer but every bit as perfect.

  7. Donna Carraway says:

    I’m leaning towards buying some of the Sennelier tubes but I was just wondering how they lift? I’m still a newbie but I think that will always be part of my style. Thank you so much for the review!!

    1. I’m afraid I haven’t really tried lifting them at all, so I can’t say. However, I do want to point out that Sennelier paints rehydrate beautifully. That’s actually the reason I got them! I was sick of some of my Hydrus liquid watercolors drying up into an unusable puck on my palette. Sennelier does a marvelous job of being workable again and again after drying. I hope that helps a bit!

  8. Just recently purchased a few tubes of Sennelier watercolor to try out. (Since they were on sale.) They have a good amount of pigment packed into them and the granularity is a nice touch. They also seem to mix very well. I can’t say that I have any regrets so far.

    The Senneliers are very reminiscent to Turner’s Artists’ Water Color from Japan. The colors pop and most colors have a softer texture when they dry. They’re much more affordable as compared to Sennelier and other major brand-names. You can easily purchase them from either Amazon or Jerry’s. (Jerry’s has them on sale throughout the year.)

    Derwent Inktense sticks are pretty good for watercolor. Drawing with them is way too messy for me. Too much dust to ruin my work. But if you love pastels, you’ll dig them. Inktense pencils produce a lot less dust. Plus they give you a lot more control.

  9. Lady Dream says:

    I remember well how frustrated I was learning watercolors. Everything else I learned fairly easily but watercolors were just washouts, literally. I’m not the bland painter type, so I just put them down as something I wasn’t good at. One day someone handed me a decent brush and some good grade paint and watercolor became on of my favorite mediums. I can hardly wait to try the Sennelier, thanks for the recommendation! Have you tried the Inktense sticks? Dyes, but lovely to do backgrounds with because they dry permanent, then you can go over them with watercolor.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      I think you will fall in love with them! Have a blast creating and painting.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      You’re very welcome Katie 🙂

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