Journal Prompts for a Focused Start to the New Year

Journal Prompts for a Focused Start to the New Year

GOOD GOAL SETTING REQUIRES FOCUS Let’s be honest for a minute here: New Year’s Resolutions suck. At least, they do when we come at them in a flurry of panic on Jan. 1 because we haven’t spent any time thinking about our goals for the year until then. I’m guilty of taking this approach year…

Done Not Perfect – Inspiration for Defeating Procrastination

Done Not Perfect – Inspiration for Defeating Procrastination

Setting the Tone Beginning a new year, lots of people want to take steps toward their ideal selves. I am no different, and it is hard not to view the turning of the calendar as an opportunity to start fresh. But this year, I’m trying something a little different. I want to pick one single…

Bullet Journal Migration – How to Switch to Your Next Bullet Journal

Bullet Journal Migration – How to Switch to Your Next Bullet Journal

Finish your bullet journal? Congrats! Now it’s time for a bullet journal migration. This guide will walk you through switching from one journal to the next. It’s Time to Move On There comes a time in every bullet journalist’s life when their current journal is nearing its end, and they must make the transition to…

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