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  1. Scott Selin says:

    I love your ideas, I’m going to be teaching 4th and 5th grade writing next year for the first time and I want to try and incorporate your ideas into my lessons!

  2. Breana Holmes says:

    I loved this post. Please give me more ideas for my bullet journal?

  3. Thank you for explaining with examples . That was very useful

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      You’re quite welcome! I’m glad to hear it was helpful for you.

  4. The ‘Ideal Life’ journal page really resonated with me. I never visualized it like that before- so it could have been my major stumbling block. I’ve been stuck in an unfulfilling role for a long time… I really feel 2018 is going to have big changes for me…even at 44.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      It’s great to hear seeing that page was so helpful for you Linda! Here’s to a year of moving forward.

  5. Great post! This is the kind of direction I’ve really been needing to help develop my goals. Thank you!

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      So happy to hear that April!

  6. Thank you for this! I’ve just read, re-read, and jotted the important parts at the front of my 2018 BuJo for ongoing review and reference, and will incorporate into my goals and planning.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      So glad it was helpful for you Robyn!

  7. This was exactly what I was looking for to launch my journaling and narrow down my focus. So glad I stumbled across your site!

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      So happy to hear this was helpful to you Crystal! Glad to have you here ?

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