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  1. Thank you sharing your information and your talent

  2. I’d love to be able to see your Etsy site but can’t spot s working link?
    Also I’m completely new to this journalling type of self help. I’m very stressed and depresssed and using all your info I am gradually learning how to kick start myself.
    Do you have a real beginner step by step (the simplest is best) you suggest I follow to start with. I’m getting s little overwhelmed with excitement to start! And keen not to loose my way… thanks

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      Hi Sally,
      You can find the Etsy shop here:
      There are a few things that can help get you started with journaling! First, don’t try to be perfect because mistakes will happen and that is completely OK. Secondly, make it your own and keep at it. It won’t happen overnight but as you continue to work on it, you will find what does and doesn’t work for you. Here are a couple posts that may help: and
      Hope that helps!

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      Best of luck, Jon!


    i have tried several times to get the link to the resource library and haven’t received an email…i have re-checked that your emails don’t get sent to my spam folder…could you try again…thanks

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      So sorry about this Shelley! If you could send an email to us ( we will then have your email address so we can look into it further for you.

  4. Thanks for this very cool giveaway. I followed you over on Instagram. Your account is fab! So inspiring 🙂

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      Thank you Nefer! Best of luck!

  5. Joan Canning says:

    Would love to enter this wonderful contest but as you state anyone living outside of the US must pay own custom’s fees and taxes and I unfortunately have issues with this method. Perhaps down the road arrangements can be make by sending by UPS or Puralator I’ve been very lucky getting items from the States with no problem and of course it does take a bit longer perhaps up too 2 weeks but my journal supplies are well worth it, and I find alot more on your site than here in Canada. Lots of luck to all the contestant. Just received a 24 set of Finetic multi colours palette today and can’t wait to try them out. Thanks for all the support and ideas to help get me started.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      Thank you for the information Joan!

  6. Celia Edwards says:

    Your month of watercolour journal entries/art are just wonderful! Your talent is amazing and subject matter generates much thought to me each and every day. I love the variation in the daily entries!

    I, too, have a commitment issue and love the beginning of almost everything; however, when the new wears off, I start to need something else new and the last project gets neglected. Kudos to you for your perseverance and determination to stay true to this project!

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      Thank you so much Celia! I really enjoyed it and I’m glad you did too.

      1. The click to get another entry
        View our pinterest did not work:(

        1. I’m sorry about that Sam! I’m not sure why you are experiencing a snag on that part of the form. I’ve tried and it works fine over here. Perhaps it was some kind of error on your computer. Could you give it another try and see if it works now? If it is still giving you trouble, please shoot an email to and we can figure it out!

  7. Thank you so much for organizing this giveaway. Also taking this opportunity to let you know how much I loved watching your month in watercolour every day. I thought your videos were super inspiring and SO relaxing to watch! x

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      So glad you enjoyed them and thank you for watching Sendie!

  8. Boriana Slabakova says:

    Although I am not very active in commenting, I love visiting your page. Though I have a hard time keeping up with a planner ( after being inspired on your page I did manage to keep one for about a month and saw the amazing positive change, but in the end my energy in writing every day fizzled out because I have a hard time finding quality materials to make it pretty and have fun with it here in Bulgaria). If I don’t win, I think I’ll try and order some from the US in hopes that it will get it going again as I saw how well it helped me organize my days and my life. Thank you for the great inspiration. On a side note, I do play around with some of the ideas in the form of doodles or just random sheets of paper when writing memos for myself. You are very talented and creative, keep up the great work!

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      Thank you Boriana!

  9. This is hilarious, because I literally just asked my parents to get me a watercolor starter kit based on these materials that you outlined in your “how to get started with watercolor” post haha 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration!

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