Looking at all the images of beautiful lettering online, it can be a bit daunting to get started. Where do you even begin? What materials do you need? With faux calligraphy, you can learn the basic principles of calligraphy without buying expensive materials or spending hours with a drill book. This technique is easy to pick up and hard to put down!

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  1. Parrish in Alabama says:

    Hi Shelby, I have been doing the free jumpstart course. I have been enjoying it. THank you for offering it for free. That is very kind. I got to you site through your faux caligraphy posting. I have a question about pens, is a Sharpie Precision marker a felt tip pen? That is what I have hanging around. THanks again

    1. I’m so glad you like the course! I don’t have that specific marker. I don’t think it is a felt tip, but you should not have any problem using it for Faux calligraphy.

      I hope that helps! 🙂

  2. Stormy Rain Stevens says:

    Awesome article as always, Shelby! Thank you for posting this for the world to share!!I have purchased the Speedball Art Elegant rite and I can’t figure out how I am supposed to hold hem to actually make them work! So frustrating for me. Your tip with the whole faux lettering though is right up my alley! I believe I can do that! Again, thank you so much! Maybe I will get bold and actually use the pack of Sergent brush markers now too instead of just having them in a special cup on my desk collecting dust!

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      We’re so happy to hear the tips were helpful Stormy! I know you can do it, and have fun with it too. I say go for those brush markers! There are some practice sheets in the Resource Library that are really helpful as you get going.

  3. Joyce Stewart says:

    I wish you folks would be honest and tell students there is NO easy way to do calligraphy. It is the same as other skills….it takes years and years to perfect it….what you are showing is NOT calligraphy in the true sense of the word.

    1. That’s exactly why this is called “faux” calligraphy — because this technique is a quick hack, nothing more! However, Joyce, if you read some of my other calligraphy posts, like this one ( https://littlecoffeefox.com/beginner-brush-lettering-tools-techniques/ ), you will see how much I talk about the need for practice to develop this skill. I never promise anyone that they will master lettering overnight. In fact, I regularly share how long it took me to get to where I am now, and that it will take years and years of practice for anyone who is serious about learning. What I do want to emphasize is that anyone can begin this hobby and that you don’t need some fancy formal education to join in. Yes, learning all there is to know about calligraphy is difficult and requires dedication, but this hobby is open to anyone with a positive attitude and a desire to learn. So if you aren’t interested in learning or encouraging others to learn, then you are free to find another tutorial that suits your needs.

      1. MissMandyCandy says:

        I absolutely LOVE the quick and easy hack! I tried to learn calligraphy and teach myself after watching my mother take it in college years and years and years ago! I watched her spend HOURS and HOURS and HOURS learning the technique. And After years and years and years of success filing using legit calligraphy…..these days people tend to lean towards the faux calligraphy. because it is more stylish. and after all of that practice, she uses the faux calligraphy.

  4. Great tutorial! Loved the structure and the simplicity of it 🙂

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      Thanks so much Max! Have fun lettering.

  5. Ahhh this is SO GREAT I just tried it out in my bullet journal and I am ADDICTED. Thanks for the tip it’s awesome, great blogpost.

  6. Sooner Smith says:

    I really enjoy your site. I have learned alot reading it. Keep up the good work.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      Thanks so much for being here Sooner ?

  7. I have a TomBow pen, but I feel like the village idiot trying to use it because ALL of my lines are thick. I don’t understand, especially if I’m writing script and trying to connect letters, how to move from thin to thick lines. Am I’m holding the pen wrong?

    1. That’s a super common problem, Christa, so you’re definitely not the village idiot! The problem might be with how you move the pen. Most people are tempted to move just their wrist, but when you move your arm from your shoulder, you can create more consistent lines and achieve the style you’re looking for! Try to get your whole arm involved and see if that helps a bit. Good luck!

  8. Thanks for sharing this tip! This also seems a lot more fun than trying to exactly copy the style of lettering that everyone else uses, since so much of the hand lettering I’ve been seeing these days looks like it’s all been done by the same person.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      I hope you have some fun with it Laura!

  9. I have owned brush pens for a long time, they are wonderful. I first bought them for making Christmas cards. And I did some caligraphy but everytime I so enjoy the video’s. You learn something new every time ^_^ Sharing tips and tricks is great.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      Thanks for being here Janneke.

  10. I want to learn calligraphy

  11. I’m just starting out with bullet journaling and find your site very inspiring! When you thicken the lines, do you always go to the left or right of the original line or do you alternate depending on the letter? I would think it would make sense to do it from the same side (like shading) but when I’ve done it, I usually go back and forth depending on which side has more space.

    1. I’m so glad you are enjoying the site, Nancy! I do what you do when it comes to thickening lines – I just do whatever side has more space. So you’ve got the right idea!

  12. love this. I always do the shading in on the wrong stroke. I think i just write my letters weird.

    1. I understand, Rosanna 🙂 You have to focus on your writing in a very weird way, completely different from usual. It definitely takes some practice, but I have no doubt you can make it happen!

  13. Thanks Shelby, I really enjoyed your article… Now to read your Brush Lettering 101 post!

    1. I’m really glad you enjoyed it, Mairead! This technique was so helpful to me learning the basics of brush lettering, so I hope you find it to be just as useful as you take the next step!

  14. I can’t wait to try this style of writing! Which purple pen did you use for the hollow style of faux calligraphy? The pen and colour looks lovely!


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