Sometimes it can be hard to figure out how to find your passion, whether that passion is a career or a hobby. There are so many options, and you have to consider how practical it might be. This super simple exercise will take less than 20 minutes and get you past these blocks to help you see what your heart wants!

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  1. I am so thrilled with this article! I am retired, and somewhat handicapped (my right arm does not work very well). That would limit a number of things I would love to do. However, this is such a fabulous exercise. I’m excited to get started. I know there are so many things that I really want to do, and I may even be able to do some of them! I worked hard to be able to retire with some money. And I am very excited. Thank you! Also, your artwork is fabulous! I wish I were as creative, and talented! Thanks for being here and sharing your gift!

  2. Richie Soares says:

    I just read your list of “if I didn’t have to make money, I would…” And now I want to be friends. 🙂

  3. I love reading everything you write. You always have great ideas!! Journalling is a habit with me now but I have a hard time starting or doing my ‘to do’ list. I am going to start keeping my ‘to do’ list down to just 3 items and I am going to eat the phrog first!! (I played adult soccer for 20+ years & phrog was my nickname!!)

    Is there work out there for someone who can proofread what others have written? Everything I read these days has misspelled words, grammatical errors, & typos. The author of a book on grief that I recently read had a friend proofread her book, but there was a ton of errors in it. How could I start being a proofreader….. I have research to do!!

    If you need anything that you’ve written to be proofread, I’ll do the first reading for you for free!!


  4. Elizabeth says:

    Before I started college, my mom had me sit down and write a list of things I would do if someone gave me 10 million dollars. I wrote about my dream house, the people I would help, and some of the traveling I would do. When I got married, I reviewed the list with my husband. We took off the things I had gotten (a sewing machine and a car one year newer than my mother’s) and added his ideas. Your article gave me more ideas to add. Thanks.

  5. Fun idea, thanks. We tend to forget that it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. And I would be doing you a disservice if I didn’t point out that it’s Henry David THOREAU.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      You are so right! Thank you for pointing that out Susan!

  6. ou are such an inspiration! I love this. I love to read and this is so in the same direction. Kind of like “Calgon take me away”. I’ve always imagined myself living by a big body of water. Small beach house year around. Occupying my time reading, writing, painting and photographing the beauty of it all. Summer beach parties with a few good friends. Lots and lots of wine. Who knows where I will be 5-10 years from now.

    1. Oh, Rosella, that sounds like a wonderful life! I wouldn’t mind that scenario either 😀 but there’s no reason it has to remain a dream forever!

  7. I love this. One thing on my list.. move to an island and sell ice cream (boom!) haha. I wish more people would do this and not think so much of how their passion will look on the outside to others. everyone tries to fit into this perfect little box (ew, boring). go be a triangle! Have fun and adventure love!

    1. Now that sounds like a fantastic life! While I’m bumming on the beach, I’ll buy some of your ice cream 😀 It’s a fun little exercise, isn’t it? It’s always nice to get out of your humdrum life for a minute and think about the whimsical!

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