A habit tracker used to track various habits

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  1. I love these tips! As someone with ADHD, I struggle with time management tremendously and I’m always looking for tips that may help. Thank you for sharing.♡

  2. Fellow neurodiverse person here (ASD/SPD diagnosis, coincidentally also in July 2016, but at the age of 47 back then). Excellent post. I’m still trying to find a comfortable BuJo style (so many lovely journals! so many pens! so little time!) and my practice slides off the map whenever I get overwhelmed, but I’m getting there. Like many NDs, I tend to jump into things with both feet and at the deep end, which I totally did with BuJo stuff; now (a year down the line) I’m finally slowing myself down, starting a new journal, and trying to work in smaller chunks at a time. It’s a journey…

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      It really is a journey Isabelle! That’s true for every one of us though. I think that is one of my favorite aspects of bullet journaling. You can change and adjust as you need so it works for you. I’m glad to hear you’re sticking with it!

  3. I just happened across your blog today, and this was the first post I read (other than the one I clicked through from Pinterest). It must have been fate! I was diagnosed with ASD earlier this year (I’m 21) and I’ve been finding that my bullet journal has really helped me with managing things that I’ve always struggled with (executive functioning ftw!). Being diagnosed has really helped me to take steps towards understanding why I’m dealing with things and figuring it how to handle them 🙂

    So far your blog looks lovely, and I’m looking forward to reading more!!

    (Also, this reminded me that I forgot to take my meds this morning since I didn’t do my usual ritual of sitting down with my bujo and checking off the fact that I took them! Guess I’ll go do that now ^.^)

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      This just makes us all smile Caitlin! What a wonderful thing to have found in bullet journaling. Best to you <3

  4. Michelle Owings-Christian says:

    Something you did not mention in your list of neurodiverse conditions is acquired/traumatic brain injury. I was poisoned by a medicine in 2014 and I have many new challenges that I did not have before. I love Bullet Journal — I love it most because I can do what I need to with it. For example, when I first started using it in 2016, I loved creating my spreads. It was awesome, and fun, and made me happy. In the last two years, the neuropathy in my hands has worsened demonstrably. I can no longer draw my spreads. I can print things and I can use pages from the store if I want, if I think they will help. I can use the basics of the Bullet Journal system and work within my needs. YAY for all of us who are finding ways to get a handle on time management in the midst of these conditions.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      I love that you’re still doing what you can within your new limitations Michelle.

  5. Thank you for this post! I was diagnosed with ASD at age 45. I also struggle with almost every condition you have listed associated with neurodiversity. 🙂 Anyway, thank you for speaking to this subject. This post is wonderfully done and very much appreciated!

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      We are so glad to hear this Lisa! I hope that you’re finding bullet journaling to be a useful tool for you.

  6. WOW! THANK YOU for this post! My 19 yo daughter was diagnosed with high-functioning autism a bit over a year ago. That diagnosis finally made the horrid last few years make sense. She is now doing much better with the appropriate therapy, etc. but as you can well imagine – organization and motivation are the bane of her existence. I will be reading this over and over.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      I’m so glad you came across this Angela! I hope that it’s something that will be helpful for her.

  7. As someone with ADHD, I have difficulty sticking with a habit tracker thru the entire month. Personally, I have found weekly trackers to be much more helpful. Like you stated, it’s certainly not a “one size fits all” scenario.

    1. Also have ADHD.
      thanks Janey for suggesting weekly tracking. I’m going to try that.

    2. Same thing here. I couldn’t keep up with monthly tracker, but also with tracking too many things, including time tracking of activities each day so I just gave it up for some time. Last month I went with weekly trackers and much simpler setup – supplements I need to take, total hours of sleep & work (have flexible work time, mostly from home) and if I did some exercise. Like Janey said – much more helpful. For me the key is in keeping it simple.

      As for time tracking, I still find it useful, just not every day. Now I use it as a tool to figure out time block schedule that will work for me. I’m really bad at time management and without reference how much time I spend on certain activities throughout the day (morning stuff, cooking, eating, repeating work tasks…) I simply can’t make a schedule that is realistic and that I’ll actually follow. I started playing with block schedule method this month and so far I did detailed tracking of 2 days, not just categories but also writing down some more details when needed. Hopefully I’ll come up with more realistic time block schedule by the end of this month :-).

    3. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      I love that you’ve found something that works well for you Janey! Thanks for sharing so others may benefit.

    4. Ahh, thank you! I could not relate to this until I read your comment! A month is way too long- I’ll still just wait til the end of it to do anything.
      Also- this is really the only thing I’ve read about neurodiverse time management that isn’t about just being late to everything. Thinking about breaking up long-term projects and things like that as a “time management” thing puts a different spin on it. I’ve seen plenty about breaking projects into smaller chunks to make getting started/moving forward a bit easier but nothing’s been efficient for me. Thinking of it in this light and using a weekly instead of monthly reward system and tracker just miiiight be what this adhd brain with time blindness needs. So glad I stumbled onto this post!

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