What do you do when your inspiration runs dry? What if your energy or passion fizzle out? This little technique can show you how to find motivation that sticks around for the long haul. All you gotta do is figure out your why statement.

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  1. Hi Shelby! I first read about Why-Statements in your “Fast-Paced Productivity” course in the Fox Den and it has given me so much to think about!! After days, I finally came up with a set of three very personal statements that often make me feel stronger and motivated to power on and do my things (currently writing my master’s thesis). I wrote a little post detailing my personal Why-Statements on my blog. Thank you so much for this inspiration!!

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      This is so wonderful to hear! Thank you for sharing Judith.

  2. Genevieve says:

    Hey Shelby!
    Your posts always make me feel so motivated and happy! You’re an inspiration, keep up the good work!

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      That makes me happy to hear. Thanks so much Genevieve!

  3. Connie Carswell (@orcanut) says:

    Another incredibly amazing article!! You should really write a book (if you haven’t already)!! Powerful!! THANK YOU!!

  4. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation… those are the words I use.

    1. You’re totally right, Kate! I wasn’t sure when I was writing the post, so I double checked and it looks like both terms are right 😀

  5. This is just what I needed today. You’ve given me so much to think about. Thank you. ????

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