Teachers have so much to balance in order to do the basics of their jobs. Lesson planning, data collecting, etc... How do they do it all? The bullet journal is an excellent solution! Educator Carmen Catena walks through how she sets up her bullet journal for teachers and how it helps her with her duties. She even explains how this system helps her organize her personal life as well!

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  1. Love this… been journaling for almost 10yrs now, but had a big break. This article inspires me as a bujo’er as well as teacher ♥️🤙🏼

  2. Hi, I am pretty new to Bullet Journaling. I just finished my 23rd year of teaching and found that if I made lists, stuff got done. I am going to use your ideas once school gets started again!! Thank you!

  3. Wonderful ideas, Carmen! I’m just getting started with my bullet journal and I keep seeing ways that I COULD have used it when I taught more. Some of those you’ve mentioned. I always lost an idea or comments on a lesson because they were on pieces of paper that were misplaced or my teacher notebook that didn’t last but maybe two weeks before it was tossed aside. Of course I’ve been teaching a great deal longer than you have so now most of my lessons are automatic. And not to special friends. 🙂

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