Bird's eye view of a spread with an illustrated tree with blue watercolor leaves. The lettering on the left page reads "Hello 2019", and the lettering on the right reads "Branch Out".

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  1. Cathy Lloyd says:

    Shelby, thank you for the beauty your pages have brought to my life in 2018! My beloved husband’s passing brought much sorrow and yet some of his final words were, “you are so creative; I want you to create more!” And I have. These new pages are encouragement to us all. I just had surgery but I plan to get up and do some of this today! Thank you again.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      What a sweet reminder of your husband every time you create now Cathy. I love that!

  2. 2018 has been a hard year for me and my family. I am glad it is coming to a close.
    I hope that 2019 can bring more positive things in my life. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      I hope the same for you Tegan!

  3. Great post! I never really look back on the year that’s gone by at the end of the year. Usually all I think about is “improving” the next year haha. You’ve inspired me to do these spreads for myself! (But I have to admit, I am the most excited to get started with a master plan haha!). Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year!

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      That’s what most people do. I think we are all just ready to move forward. Enjoy taking a look back this time, Liz 🙂

  4. Honestly, I love that “goodbye 2018” is off-center. The white space after it implies—to me, anyway—that something is yet to come (2019, of course). Despite it being unintentional, I think it ended up being the perfect placement! And the wreath is lovely.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      I like your way of thinking Karen!

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