my 2018 mantra

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  1. I’m only now catching up on my Inbox and am glad I saved this one to read. It’s like it’s me talking: the perfectionism, the fear of failure… So I hope you don’t mind that I’ll adopt your 2017 mantra for this year, walking in your footsteps! Thank you for lighting the way <3

    1. Gina | Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      We are all in this together Elise ?

  2. Verónica says:

    I’m working on my first bullet journal, and I’m so excited about it. Thanks for being my inspiration.
    Best wishes for you.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      Thank you so much Veronica! Same to you.

  3. Kaethe Pittman says:

    Dear Shelby,

    I have an animal “mascot” for this year as well! Mine is a simple, Scandinavian-style embroidered bird on the cover of my (not quite finished yet) traveler’s notebook that will hold my planner and journal. Thank you for encouraging creativity in our planning!

  4. You are very motivating and I wish you Happiness in 2018 ? Look forward to sharing this year with you.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      Thank you so much Donna! I look forward to having you here! ?

  5. Michelle Owings-Christian says:

    Shelby — This is awesome. I have had a guiding WORD for the new year for several years. I often have a song (or songs) for the new year. I’ve never had a mantra. I will think about that. Thanks for all you do, I’ve really enjoyed your blog and some of the webinars I’ve taken with you in 2017. Bright Blessings for 2018!! — Michelle/Cedar

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      Thanks so much Michelle! It warms my heart to hear you’ve enjoyed being a part of Little Coffee Fox ?

  6. Beautiful touching mantra for 2018. And your choice of the tortoise and colours calming. May your New Year be AWESOME and filled with inspiration to fuel your energy that’s so abundant

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      Thank you so much Joan!

  7. I’m also one that expects immediate results when I begin a project or routine. Years ago I embraced the “turtle life”, but the got caught up in the “you can have it all right now, today” nonsense. Thank you for this reminder of what works best for me and if you don’t mind, I’m going to make this my mantra for 2018 as well. Thank you!

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      Of course you can Debra! Here’s to a “slow and steady” year.

  8. Shelby,

    I really liked your video and I am looking forward to utilizing several of the list that you created in my life and hopfully helping other who need to track specific traights, thoughts, etc. in their lives, I’m just really excited that I came accross your sight, I have seen several but I was really impressed with you and what little I have seen and heard so far, Thank you for al that you do and share with others.


    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      So glad to have you here Debi!

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