When I am stuck in a project or I'm plagued with too many thoughts or ideas, I turn to my List of 100. This extremely simple technique will change the way you brainstorm. It's fast, effective, and super cathartic. The List of 100 is the solution for achieving brain balance and discovering what's really on your mind.

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  1. I just did my list of “100 things to do instead scrolling through social media” and what a blast ✨✨✨ I felt great while writing and now I can take peak everytime I need an idea about something to do.

  2. I’ve just recieved a book by Philippa Stanton called Conscious Creativity for Christmas. The book has so many ideas on how to be creative. I’m going to do my 100 list today, with some of her ideas in mind. I paint in oils and love poetry and pottery and wool craft, but I wander around aimlessly. Wish me luck on my journey to discover my creative path.

    1. I’m right there with you, Dee! I can’t ever seem to stick to one or two hobbies — I’m all over the map. I will definitely have to check out that book, thank you! Good luck with harnessing your creativity and making the most of it!

  3. Fantastic blog!
    I found it while searching Morning Pages after another person mentioned it on his blog.
    I am really interested in all your ideas and will be visiting quite often. One thing I want to do is increase my creativity and personal productivity. I’m sure many of your posts will help.
    why am I commenting on this post rather than the Morning Pages post?
    This post reminds me of Rick Grubbs 101 questions which I adopted a few years ago and that has helped direct my life time and money management in a very postitive way. I’m sure the Morning Pages and your blog will positively influence what I have been wanting to build upon in my live ever since my Creativity for Engineers class about a decade ago.

  4. So glad I got to your email today…finally! My daughter (my ONLY daughter!) is engaged to be married to an amazing man. As you can imagine, we have called to talk about wedding plans AT LEAST twice a day, every day 🙂 I am going to carve out some time after work today to do a List of 100 Decisions to Make for the Wedding. The part of this that strikes me the most is the writing in one sitting in order to go as deeply as possible. I’m really looking forward to this exercise.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      That will be so much fun Lori! Congratulations to your daughter 🙂

  5. HI just read your email
    Can I be honest with you
    So sorry you not in a good place right now- sending good wishes your way – keep going – You will get there I have no doubt. Baby steps!

  6. I love this idea! It seems so simple but what a brilliant way to force creativity. It reminds me of what I am doing with my journaling for similar reasons. I make myself write three pages. The first page or so is no hum but then I get to what I really need to write. I will use this list of 100 as well. Thanks for the idea!

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      Great to hear this resonated with you!

  7. Hi Shelby! I have a question that always comes to my mind when I see this kind of posts… Where did you wrote this lists? In your bullet journal? I want to start one for myself, but it seems very complicated to me to make in only one notebook lists, an schedule, etc. I mean, to me it’s complicated to see it only in photos, I wish that some of my friends have a notebook like that so I could see every page that she/he wrote in there, to make a global idea of the uses of a bullet journal (there are so many, and so many information in Internet, that blows my mind! hahaha)

    I don’t know if I explain myself very well, I almost don’t speak english. Thank you so much, your web it’s beautiful! <3

  8. This is so great! I love your colour coding on completion. How interesting!
    I so need this in my life right now. Thanks!

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it! This list was a game changer for me. I feel like I have a much better grasp on everything after I do one.

  9. Bea Cabauatan says:

    Hiii!! I just started with my own bullet journal and your blog is giving me so much motivation to write. I love all the ideas you’ve been sharing and its getting me excited for the year to go by faster. Hahaha and for this ‘list of 100’, you could make one that’s 100 lists of 100. Its so you could brainstorm on what to brainstorm! Hehe again, i love your blog and i really love how you are using watercolor. I wish my handwriting in cursive was as neat as yours! ❤️❤️????

    1. I’m so happy to hear that this is helping you with your first bullet journal, Bea! And that’s a great idea 😉 And with a little bit of patience and practice, you’ll have the best handwriting of your life!

  10. Willemijn Kamerling says:

    Wauw I just made a 100 things/areas to declutter in our house and it took me all of 7 minutes. This is fantastic, we have such issues with getting stuff organised and now I have 100 things to tick off. What a feeling of accomplishment we’ll have when it’s done and in the process.
    Thank you so much for your post, this was the last step in our ‘we really want to, but aren’t sure how to start’ process.
    I can also see the 100 list working in other areas of my life.

    Best wishes,


    1. Isn’t this technique incredible? I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Willemijn! This list is such a great way to declutter your mind and get a firm direction. I hope you have fun checking off those 100 items!

  11. Shelby, Thank you so much for your well blended mix of thoughtful and creative posts! This post really reminded me of all of the thoughts I’ve got swirling around my brain that I need to put down on paper. It’s so nice to know that I can come back to the list and use it as a reference for projects or things that I want to track. Loved how you categorized your list and I think that’s really useful! Always a pleasure to find one of your posts I haven’t read and enjoyed yet!

    1. I’m thrilled that you enjoyed it, Eleen! The List of 100 is a classic technique that I’ve been using for years, but it somehow didn’t occur to me to write a post about it until very recently. I’m so glad you find it helpful 🙂

  12. Shelby, I love this idea! Reading this post has made me decide to buy your book. You clearly have lots of ideas and insight into how to be more creative, and you are a fantastic writer.

    1. Mary, thank you so much! You’ve just made my day 😀 I truly hope you enjoy the book and find lots of useful information and tips! Feel free to shoot me an email when you’re finished to tell me your thoughts!

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