what I wish I knew when I started bullet journaling

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  1. I’ve never heard of a collections journal but it sounds like such a smart idea. It can be so tedious to transfer your trackers. One thing I wish I’d known was to embrace my mistakes; at first I found it so infuriating because I wanted a picture-perfect Instagram bullet journal, but the more I’ve done it the more I realise that when I embrace my ‘mistakes’, the page actually looks better for it!
    Hannah | Whoops It’s Hannah

  2. I am a home school of an 8-year-old. She absolutely hated traditional journaling. I noticed she liked to make lists of things though, so the idea of a bullet journal was born. I created a monster! lol She now journals anything and everything. Because she journals so many things (including her math notes and language arts, history, and science notes) I decided to use 3 ring binders. I make our dot grid paper by using a template and running Michaels cheap white cardstock through the printer. I got five packs for $10 this week and there are 50 sheets to a pack-using front and back that is a 500 page journal for $10! This way, I can take out the particular sheets she makes that I love and want to keep as memories. It’s working great for us!

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      That is fantastic! I really wish I had gotten into journaling at a younger age; I would have been so much more productive!

  3. Alicia Hamilton says:

    Instead of making a dedicated collections journal (I lose books if I have too many to keep track of), I am going to start my collections with a good left margin, so when I am done with the journal, I can cut it out and Washie-tape it to my next journal. ☺️

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      That’s one way to do it. I’d love to hear how it works out Alicia!

  4. What is funny is when I started bullet journaling I bought tombow pens because all the blogs told me…but I had NO IDEA what they really were. A lot of people used them to highlight and I always kind of thought that was weird when I could use highlighters. But I bought all these pens and no joke I would use them to highlight and color coloring books and stuff.

    Then last year I learned about brush lettering and how people use them to do brush lettering calligraphy and about 50% of my tombow pens were frayed and ruined from me using them incorrectly and I’ve been slowly throwing away the frayed and dried out tombows. Thanksfully Michaels often puts their artist loft and tombows on sale for $15 so I slowly restock them every now and then. I actually think the artist loft brand pens work just as nice as the tom bows.

    1. Jennifer S says:

      Michael’s also sells Tombow pens in singles! Try the Lemome brand version on Amazon. I got a pack dirt cheap through their FB page when they posted a sale. They’re nice.

      1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

        Yes, Jennifer! Michael’s is starting to carry more journaling supplies which is amazing.

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