Open Journal on Desk

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  1. Thank you for sharing that. Wonderful idea and helps us feel empowered when we were feel quite the opposite.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      This is so true, Terri! Turning those negative thoughts and feelings into something positive makes such a difference.

  2. What a great post!

    I’ve always used writing to deal with my inner self. I’ve written on balloons, then sent off into the sky, burned pages in bonfires, tied them to branches, what ever I thought would do the trick. I became an avid bullet journalist and used it to make life changing progress. What I haven’t done is have a journal devoted to negative thoughts which I then destroy. Sometimes when I make a breakthrough, it’s like I have mental/emotional flu for a few days. I’m disabled, which makes it tough to get moving again. I’d just come across this post the day before and it resonated with me. I labeled a small notebook Black Journal and wrote about how I felt. Nothing new there, the same old demons I fought all my life. Turned out, the cheap paper in that notebook tears perfectly down to tiny squares, very satisfying! Today I’m over my mental flu! Evidently my ADD/Autistic brain loves the idea. I think to give the notebook more power I will decorate the cover. I like the idea that the journal may stay, but the negative ideas/feelings go. Thank you for being part of my progress!

  3. I love this! I sometimes do this well the ripping apart I havent done which I will now but never knew there was a name for it. That’s such a great point of if any negative feelings come up to find out the source. I been just reading into this and exploring my intense feelings so it doesnt become anyone else’s responsibility. Thanks so much for this post

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      It sounds like you’re already doing half of this which is so great Samantha! I hope the additional part of destroying those papers brings another level of healing for you on this journey.

  4. Thank you for this! I love that it is called “black journaling”–it is almost as though I am black listing the negative thoughts/situations from my life.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      I think that was the premise behind the name, which fits so well just like you said Gretchen! Enjoy!

  5. Jennifer S says:

    I think when I throw out the black journaling pages, I’ll rip them up, toss them in the potty before I pee. Flush them with my waste. Waste and wasteful thinking down the drain!
    Gross but effective 🙂

  6. Kaethe Pittman says:

    What a great post! FYI, even we old mature folk feel awkward and relive all the stupid things we said/did during the day (I’m 54). This being an innate learning tool explains why no one outgrows this! Black journaling is a beautiful tip for making all that go away, and I am certainly going to try it.

  7. Oh gosh I love this! It just so happens that my cheap notebook is also black! I’m definitely going to have to put it to use with this technique. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      It’s sounds like you have just what you need to try this one out right away Morgan!

  8. I definitely need to try this! I am quite consistent with my morning pages, but often I go to bed with some nagging thoughts and this trick might work great for letting go of the day and for a restful sleep! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Definitely will be trying this!!!!

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