There are a million spreads and collections that you can add to your bullet journal, but Erin of The Petite Planner explains perfectly why these five spreads are truly essential bullet journal pages.

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  1. Nancy B Nixon says:

    Thanks for the great suggestions! I haven’t started my Bujo because I’m confused on how to lay it out. I know about the various spreads but I’m have a bound journal, not loose leaf, so how do I divide it up. I have a problem with where in the journal to put the special spreads that you’ve suggested

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      Great question Nancy! You can decide what you want to add to your journal and then plan the pages out that way. I tend to keep the collections up front and then after those I will start my monthly/ weekly/ daily layouts. I hope that helps!

    2. You can lay it out any way you like. My first pages were “year at a glance”. I did both 2018 and 2019 because it could take 3 years to fill my journal haha. I then had pages for savings, bill trackers, gratitude, bucket list, spending log. I also have a page that I put in for tracking dates of when i did things last (change oil, flip mattress, clean windows) because those things you don’t do all the time. Then I started the month I was in, and flipped to weekly. I make those as I go ?
      I take screenshots of spreads I love and use them with my own twist. I don’t go crazy on supplies. Some tape, simple black pens, ruler and Crayola watercolours I got on sale for $6. If I draw layouts I do them in pencil first so I can erase. But I’m little ocd like that. My doodles and add ons I don’t care if they are perfect. BuJos are about you.. go with things you love and have fun!!

  2. Hi Shelby, thanks so much for sharing all these wonderful ideas to work on a bullet journal, I love the idea to work adding color on a mandala mood page, I think this would be an interesting project to do on every month.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      Glad to hear you enjoyed the post!

  3. This had so many good ideas! I especially liked the reflections pages. It’s so easy to forget the small joyous moments, the niceties people extend, and think about the irritating moments in life. I will definitely do this! I also wanted to know if Erin could tell us where she got the great little box holding washi tape. Very nice and organized! Thanks!

    1. Isn’t it a great post? I’m so glad Erin was able to come guest post! I asked her about the washi dispenser, and she doesn’t remember specifically where she bought it. Sorry! There are several options on Amazon, though, that you might find fit your needs 🙂 Have a great day!

  4. Hello! At the moment I use a personal kanban but I’m planning to start bullet journal. Could you tell me what is the difference?

  5. I am slowly figuring out what I like in a journal, but the one thing I always get tripped up with are the monthly calendar pages. I need to see a calendar, with blocks for each day, and big enough to write in. However, the ones I’ve tried to print out, end up being too small, so I end up going back to my planner for calendars and daily activities and end up just using my journal for lists, thoughts and other random writings. All that to say, it makes me feel like I’m not using the journal as a one-place-for-everything, which is what I would love for it to be.

    Any suggestions?

    1. I know exactly what you mean about needing a traditional calendar format, Debbie. I’m the same way! I would suggest trying to draw out the calendar boxes across a spread, taking up as much room as humanly possible. No elaborate decor, no thumbnail of next month, no goals or trackers – just the calendar in all its glory. Maybe that will be big enough for your needs. If that doesn’t do it, then you could try using a wall calendar or a desk calendar. While it isn’t ideal, there might be a creative solution to using a separate calendar that will work perfectly for you. It’ll have to be some trial and error to get it right, I’m afraid. I hope that helps!

      1. go to Select the two months per page calendar. Print it out, cut the pages in half-separating the months, and tape or staple them into your bujo. It saves the time of drawing it.

        1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

          This is definitely one way of doing it, if you don’t feel like writing them in!

    2. I have combined the appointment calendar and master task list. I keep the traditional calendar with abbreviations in the boxes, but my master task list/appointment calendar has everything written out in a list format. That is helpful for me. Perhaps it might be helpful for you as well.

  6. Hi!
    I loved reading through your pages ! You might have motivated me to try again a mood tracker ^^, and your annual goals pages, in the form of a mind map, is veey pleasing, I will try to write down someday, it should work well with the whole level 10 life thing.
    Thank you !

    1. Thanks, Chloe! I’ll pass that along to Erin 🙂 And I bet you’re right, the goals page would probably work beautifully with a Level 10 Life!

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