Practice Self Care and Foster a Positive Attitude with an Affirmation Log
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It’s easy to get wrapped up in negativity, but you can fight back with the Affirmation Log in your bullet journal. It’s the easiest self-care out there.
Negativity Rules Our Thoughts
“I’m not good enough.”
“I’m not smart enough.”
“I can’t do it.”
“I’m just not beautiful.”
“I’m not talented.”
In our society, it’s generally expected for people to practice self-deprecation. We are expected to respond to a compliment with denial, or avoid talking too nicely about ourselves for fear of sounding narcissistic. Saying “I am beautiful” seems egotistical, and saying “I can do it” seems campy and naive.
Thanks to this societal norm and how it’s used in the open media, negative thoughts swirl through our minds day and night. We say them out loud. We even start to boast about how awful we are at certain tasks and try to one up each other. It’s a race to the bottom.
Words Become Reality
Even if you don’t necessarily believe that you are stupid, incapable, or ugly, the words you say will begin to sink in thanks to cognitive dissonance. Essentially, cognitive dissonance is where you hold inconsistent beliefs or attitudes. You say one thing but believe another. Your brain doesn’t like cognitive dissonance, and will actively work to fix the inconsistency and regain balance. That means it will adjust your behaviors or your beliefs, and it’s usually much easier to alter beliefs.
For example, if you say “I can’t draw” jokingly over and over again, your brain will form a belief that you are wholly incapable of drawing – and you will never try. If you say “I’m bad a math”, you will grow to expect math problems to be beyond your reach- and you will never try.
Saying negative things over and over leads to a gigantic shift in your attitude, and you begin to create a life in that negativity. That negativity can affect you in many ways, but one of the most prevalent is that it will keep you in a nasty cycle of procrastination. Negativity and procrastination are intimately linked. If you can fix this, then you have taken great steps towards freeing yourself from the tight grip of procrastination.
Fight the Negative with Positive
But how do you fix this mindset? The answer is obvious. Use cognitive dissonance as a tool for success! If you believe that you can’t draw, then begin to say “I can learn to draw.” Say it loud. Say it with emphasis. Look in the mirror and say it to yourself.
“I can learn to draw.”
That is an affirmation. This incredibly simple method is a powerful tool for changing your attitude for the better. Turn your can’ts into cans. Flip the negative to a positive. Make affirmations a daily habit and begin your journey to take better care of yourself today.
How to Write and Say Affirmations
Writing positive affirmations down is easy, but here are a few crucial steps to getting the most out of your positive self-talk (out loud or through journaling):
- Keep it in the present. That means that instead of “I will learn brush lettering“, make it “I am learning brush lettering.” The reason you should avoid future tenses with your affirmations is because you don’t want to send signals to your brain to wait until tomorrow. You will begin to think of everything in the ever-unreachable future. Make it a statement of now, and you will feel yourself taking action.
- Keep it short. If you want to repeat it to yourself over and over again, you don’t want it to be long and complicated!
- Say it loud and proud. I don’t care how weird you feel or how awkward it seems. If you whisper your affirmation meekly to yourself, then it isn’t a declaration of a bold, confident, talented person. You need to show yourself that you are taking your self-care seriously. Basically, fake it till you make it.
- Say it while standing in a confident pose. That means straight spine, shoulders back, and with your head held high. Just like before, you need to show yourself with words and body language that you mean what you say. Try making yourself as big as possible, or stand in a superhero pose. Some psychologists believe this can lead to a measurable increase in confidence. Check out this Ted Talk to learn more about it!
The Affirmation Log
I’ve decided to take my daily affirmations seriously by creating an Affirmation Log. The concept is extremely basic and easy enough for anyone to pick it up. When I fill out my habit tracker and gratitude log each night, I turn to my Affirmation Log and think back on my day. What did I struggle with? What negative self-talk did I do today? I figure out what I was feeling insecure or unhappy about and I flip it around into a positive. Then I write down my affirmation, say it out loud a few times, and go to bed.
The next day, I repeat the affirmation to myself any time I find myself feeling doubtful or worried. When I look in the mirror, I tell myself my affirmation loudly. It becomes my mantra for the day and I try my best to live it. I tell it to my dog when I see her. I say it every time I am in the bathroom. Then, that night, I write a new affirmation or keep the same one if I still need it. The affirmation could change every day, or I can keep the same affirmation indefinitely if I still want to work on that aspect of my attitude.
Rinse, repeat. Every day.
How I Set Up My Affirmation Log
While you could write this anywhere, I like keeping mine with my various monthly trackers and logs in my bullet journal. I have found that the best way to start a new habit is to marry it with an existing habit. For me, that means putting it right alongside my other trackers that I religiously fill out every night. Okay, most nights. But I’m pretty consistent!
I set my Affirmation Log right alongside my memory page. I had a general theme going with my monthly gratitude and affirmation logs for June, so I continued it with Hydrus Watercolors (which you can see how I use them here). Then I lined it all with my Pigma Micron pen.
It’s totally not necessary to go out and make this page pretty, but I’ve found that I’m more consistent with using a log every day if it’s easy on the eye. Also, this page is all about celebrating you and how awesome you are! Feel free to make it fun and beautiful, even if you don’t normally go for elaborate styles.
Start Positive Change by Being the Positive Change
Whether you are trying to learn a skill, grow a hobby, lose weight, raise a child, or do just about anything else that is challenging, then you need an Affirmation Log. You can’t expect to build an exercise habit by constantly belittling yourself. You can’t move forward as a creative until you stop criticizing yourself at every turn. If you are trying to build yourself up into a better person, then stop tearing yourself down. Start using affirmations to create a positive mindset, and say them boldly to yourself and to others. Your cognitive dissonance will swing the other way, and you will start to believe that you are every bit as awesome as you truly are.
Be bold and creative. Be smart and charismatic and athletic and everything you’ve ever wanted to be. But most importantly, be unapologetic. Don’t be worried about what other people think. Our society is evolving, slowly but surely, into one that is more accepting of unapologetic positivity. Be a part of that evolution by creating an Affirmation Log and loving yourself each and every day. Because “can” is so much more beautiful than “can’t”.
I would love to to receive affirmations from you’re site
This post is great! I love all of the tips that you provided. I’ve been practicing saying affirmations to myself for a while now and I think a log is going to be the next step in keeping me on track!
That’s so great Teya! Affirmations have been a life changer for many of us, you and me included.
I found this site while looking into bullet journals and I’m so glad I did. While it’s overwhelming to get started, you break it down so nicely. I really just want to do a collections journal and this is perfect. Thank you so much!
It’s so great to hear you’ve found posts that have made it feel like something you can do, Jean! Have fun as you get started with your collection.
I love your message! It resonates with my spirit and I am so glad you chose to share. In gratitude, Leslie
So happy to hear that, Leslie!
have been working to be more positive, and I think this will help, thank-you.
That’s wonderful to hear, Janice! I agree, it’s a great way to change your thoughts to more positive ones.
I think I’ll be checking in here a lot! Lots of “make me happy” things. ????
So glad to hear!
Just what I need to read this morning! I’ve been in a creative slump…no more! I will be creating an Affirmation Log in my planner. I’ve recently added a Mood Tracker, it’s been an interesting study on my moods and how I’m physically feeling. Love your content! Thanks!
That’s awesome to hear, Heather! Sometimes you just need a little pep talk to push through self doubt. I hope you find the Affirmation Log as helpful as your mood tracker!
I’m glad you have this blog post up. It’s certainly true positive thinking and positive affirmations are a must have in life and in business, especially the online business world. Sometimes, you could be going through something in life and read a positive quote or personal saying by a blogger or just anyone and that could be your turning point for good days yet to come.
I definitely agree! I’m so glad you enjoyed the post, thanks a ton!