health trackers

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  1. Keri Roos says:

    Love these spreads and this blog post! I love learning more about why people create their spreads. I feel like I know you so much better! Thank you for sharing, and I am excited to implement similar trackers in my Bullet Journal!

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      I am there with you Keri, it IS fun to know more about people!

  2. When I began to dig to discover what caused my ulcers/migraines/fibromyalgia I was astonished to learn that these are the most common long-term consequences of trauma in childhood/adolescence.

    With what I do remember being what it is – I wasn’t surprised. Tracking as you say was (& still is) really empowering. As was reading Bessel Van Der Kolk’s really dry academic study The Body Keeps the Score. Helpful. Life changing. Boooring too. :). Hope that’s useful to somebody.

    Weirdly – applying a bunch of trauma aware principles (like neuroplasticity, cognitive behavioral therapy, & dialectical behavioral therapy) combined with trackers and learning what triggered which result has reduced my migraines to maybe 2 a year. My digestive issues don’t bother me but once every other month when I’m smart.

    I’ve been also learning new skills and focusing on healing this stuff for 26 years now. So, as you’ve noted, slow & steady really does win the race, O helpful coffee kitsune!

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      There are so many factors that come into play as you’ve found Toad! It’s great you have discovered this and have been able to take actions to better your health.

  3. Talia Blans says:

    I suffer fro. Really bad migraines / headaches. I am in the process of creating a habit/ health tracker? Any tips at all? Also how many hours of sleep do think make a difference towards your headaches/ migraines?
    Thank you ?

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      They’re not fun at all are they Talia?! I would track anything that you think triggers them which can be foods, amount or sleep, hormones (your cycle), stress etc. The amount of sleep we need really depends on each person.

  4. Hi I also suffer from migraines and currently am tracking potential trigger foods but a sleep log is a great shout and I might try it next month. Thanks for the idea!

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      You’re very welcome Lauren! Glad to hear this was helpful.

  5. Jennifer S says:

    I love this layout option for tracking health issues.

    For those migraines, try to do at least 128 ounces of WATER a day.
    Keep in mind soda, coffee, and juice can have sugar/caffeine which negates water.
    Example: 12 ounce soda requires over 20 ounces of water to flush out and get hydration back slowly.
    I survived a lot of bladder, UTI and kidney infections when i drank sodas and caffeinated drinks. I haven’t had one in 10 years now. Very rarely, I will drink a sweet juice. I make sure 100% juice, no cocktails or added stuff.

    My migraines are nowhere near as bad, but tend to be seasonal with the plant life and sinus issues as triggers. and MSG and other fast food additives are migraine triggers pretty often! Tip for McD’s: the words “No salt” for fries and burgers forces them to make it fresh with no salt. Do fresh from oil for fresh chicken/fish.

    I’m actually fixing to do a health tracker based on your layout! Finally see a version I like. And I have a journal (Lemome), and the Zebra Mildliners (heard Targets sells them!!), and the Pitt pens are my favorite for inking manga/anime art I do.

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      I’m glad to hear the layout is one you like Jennifer!

    1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

      SO glad to hear you enjoyed it Ashley!

    2. Thank you so much for these great ideas. I plan to make use of them immediately.

      1. Little Coffee Fox Team says:

        Glad to hear these were helpful for you Nique!

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