30+ Bullet Journal Tracker Ideas – A Tracker For Every Occasion
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Bullet journal trackers are the easiest ways to build a productive system, but it can be hard to decide what to track. Here are 30+ tracker ideas to help!
Bullet Journal Trackers Rock
The bullet journal is a powerful planner for a number of reasons. But perhaps my favorite way to use a bullet journal is to track different parts of my life. Bullet journal trackers are so incredibly useful for building good habits, encouraging growth and change, and creating the life you want to live. And there are so many more bullet journal trackers than you might imagine! Who knew data could be so fun?
If you love to travel (or dream of traveling more) this tracker is perfect for you! You can use it to track the places you've been, or even use it to keep track of all the places you want to visit. The possibilities are endless.
Cleaning is hard, and it is easy to fall behind on it. This simple cleaning calendar will help you stay on track. This bullet journal tracker breaks down all of your major chores into different categories based on how often they need to be done. This tracker has been a life saver for me.
Bullet journal trackers are the perfect way to stay on top of your health. Whether you want to track your sleep or major medical events, your bullet journal is the perfect place to keep track of it all. These trackers will allow you to stay informed on your health, and provide you an easy way to reference information for your doctor.
Creating a budget tracker in your bullet journal is a great way to motivate yourself to save for the big things in your life. You can easily use this bullet journal tracker for saving for anything from a vacation to paying off debt.
The habit tracker is probably my favorite tracker of all. It's super easy to create, but it is also the one tracker that can help you with everything. Once, you get into the habit of using your habit tracker every day, you will be able to tackle any habit you've been wanting develop!
Want an easy way to feel better, be more productive, and have more energy? Get better sleep! But you know that's easier said than done. If you struggle to get a good night sleep or keep a consistent sleep schedule, a sleep tracker will help you discover trends that may help improve your sleep!
Tracking your personal health is important, and this simple bullet journal tracker can help. Honestly, using this tracker is a no brainer. It allows you to better plan, and gives you an easy way to reference when your last period was.
For a long time, I struggled to keep my weight under control. I was not gaining a ton of weight or anything, I just kept picking up a few pounds here and there. That changed when I created my weight loss tracker. This simple bullet journal tracker made my weight loss visual which helped motivate me to keep the weight. It also had the added benefit of making me stop to ackowledge my success every time I saw the number drop.
A Year in Pixels is a fun way to track something that's not very fun to track, your mood. This mood tracker helps you capture a wide range of emotions in a single daily log. It's not perfect for days when you're experiencing a wide array of emotions, but it provides a helpful snapshot of your general mood day to day. This is a great tracker both for the personal insights it provides, and as a reference for the medical professionals in your life.
Do you struggle to remember to return rented textbooks, or to sell them back at the end of the semester? No worries, this tracker makes it easy to keep track of all of your books, and when they need to be returned.
If you've got a big trip coming up, use this tracker to make sure you don't forget to plan for anything!
Struggling to come up with new date ideas, or more likely, forgetting all the things you've been wanting to do? Use this tracker to keep a running list of everything you and your significant other have been meaning to do together.
If you're anything like me there are hundereds of shows, movies, or books that you want to try, but there is one problem. You can never remember them when you are actually looking for something to watch or read. This bullet journal tracker provides a simple solution with the help of post-it notes.
Staying within a budget is not easy, but it's nearly impossible if you do not have some visual way of tracking your spending and goals. There are tons of apps out there that allow you to do this, but I needed something a little more visual, so I created this simple budget tracker in my bullet journal.
I always have some new project I'm wanting to start, but it's often hard to keep track of everything. So I decided to dedicate a tracker in my bullet journal just to these projects.
I've been blogging full time for a few years now, and I'm always shocked by how much there is to track. If you're interested in blogging or already have a blog, click the button below to see some of my favorite blog tracker ideas!
The Level 10 Life is one of my goto personal trackers. Unlike a lot of the trackers on this list, the Level 10 Life is not a daily tracker, but rather it is a tracker that you only do a couple times a year. The basic idea of this tracker is to give you a single place where you can keep track of how you feel about the different aspects of your life.
One of the hardest parts of sticking with a challenge is keeping track of how you are actually doing on that challenge. Use this bullet journal tracker to help you tackle those Instagram challenges, you've been wanting to participate in.
A positive attitude is a powerful tool, and this daily bullet journal log will help you develop one. The idea behind the Affirmation log is simple. Every day you write down a single affirmation. It is super simple, but it is incredibly effective.
Whether it is keeping in contact with your parents, or planning date nights your bullet journal can help. Click the button below to discover some bullet journal tracker ideas to help you keep in touch with the important people in your life!
If you read a lot, it can be hard to keep track of every book you've read, but this tracker can help. Plus keeping track of what books you've read is a sure-fire way to help you revisit the fond memories of reading your favorite books for the first time.
Do you always forget everyone's birthday? This tracker will help you keep track of all of that important information in one convenient place!
Self-care is important, but it is also easy to overlook. If you are looking for some tracker ideas to help you stay on top of your self-care just click the button below.
The Undo List is somewhere between a list and a tracker. It is simply a place for you to keep track of the things you don't want to do, but you can also easily keep track of how often you are succeeding in that task.
The future log is one of the more widely know bullet journal logs for good reason. It is an easy to use log that will help you keep track of events well into the future.
Don't wait until November to start figuring out what to get people for Christmas. Instead, use this tracker to keep a running list of what people may want whenever they drop a hint throughout the year.
Like the Affirmations log, the Gratitude log is meant to help you develop a more positive attitude. However, unlike the Affirmations log, your Gratitude log forces you to look back on each day and think of something for which you are thankful. This one simple exercise will help you be more grateful for the things in your life, no matter how bad the day may have seemed.
If you're serious about your health, it's important to keep track of what you are putting into your body. These bullet journal trackers make it easy for you log everything you eat and drink.
Keep in touch with your love ones and friends with this super simple bullet journal tracker. Just like a habit tracker, all you do is mark it off when you've made an effort to contact that person.
This one really isn't a bullet journal tracker, but it is a super useful way to help you keep track of your work and make sure you are getting everything done on time. I use this technique to make sure I am staying on top of everything I need to do. Theming your week is simple, you just set a theme for every day, and make sure you focus on that theme for the assigned day.
I always have a Pinterest board full of recipes that I want to try. But sadly, I often find myself in a recipe rut. No matter how much I want to try new recipes, I always find myself making the same recipes over and over again. I found a simple solution though: a recipe bank. This fun & colorful tracker helps me keep track of all of those recipes I want to try and the old favorites I want to make again and again.
Get on Track
Whether you’re trying to add more travel, literature, or good habits into your life, bullet journal trackers just can’t be beaten. How will you use trackers to improve your life? Share your ideas in the comments below!